Dog Skin Allergies
It can be difficult to know whether your pet could have a flea allergy, or if your pet has a skin problem differently. Especially if you do not see fleas. If your cat or dog has a flea allergy dermatitis, and not a skin problem, you will notice that your pet has these symptoms, or begins to exhibit these behaviors:
Dog Skin Allergies
First severe itching - Every time your pet is dry, the air might be a bit 'annoying. But if the itching is bad enough that he wakes upYour pet from a deep sleep, or do not seem to caress, or maintaining your pet without the uncomfortable itching and itching. Even if your pet sleep less than usual, and itching for more time, a clear sign that appears to spend.
Dog Skin Allergies
According to chew and bite the tail, trunk, back, legs - an animal, or sometimes also check licking his paws too. But most of all is the area just above the tail, on sides and its back legs. If your petLick these areas, the fur from these areas, or scratch and bite to these areas, you can be sure that your pet is suffering from flea allergy dermatitis.
Dog Skin Allergies
Hot Spot 3 - The hot spots are lesions of the skin caused by excessive licking and biting. Your pet could end up with a secondary infection of the skin in these hot spots because of all the licking and biting, so if you think your pet them or notice signs of infection,take your pet to the vet for an examination and some antibiotics.
4 excessive grooming - is probably the biggest indicator of dogs and cats who spend an inordinate amount of time even care to tell you that you have a problem with his skin .. And 'more evident in dogs and cats, since cats spend much time, care in general, but if you notice that your pet is in continuous maintenance and begins to start other signs, you must restart theTreatment of a cat or a dog flea prevention, and start at home against fleas. The excessive grooming should be as fast as the chips have been arrested
Hair loss 5 - If you notice that your pet to have thinning hair, or if your pet begins to develop bald spots on your pet probably has flea allergy dermatitis and remove both the hair and starts licking.
6 red nodules on the skin - Look carefully at your skin when you see the animal, the perfectly round disk.Lumps or sores that are red when the dog probably has this condition. If your pet is enough to dermatitis, where the animal is clearly more advanced lesions, it really is time to call your vet and bring the animal to see and be evaluated by a veterinarian, so that an appropriate treatment plan can be established.
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