Thursday, September 22, 2011

Allergies in dogs - symptoms and treatment

Dog Skin Allergies

Food allergy is one of the most common allergies in dogs. Little research has focused on the exact nature of allergy has been done, but it is believed that proteins are the main cause of allergy. Exposed in most cases, the 'allergy such as rash and / or scratch the dog. Only in rare cases, a food allergy in the dog's gastrointestinal problems caused a significant. Most dogs with food allergieshave normal bowel movements and desires.

Dog Skin Allergies

Most cases of food allergies are first noticed in young dogs. In fact, more than one third of all cases of dogs in a year. There is no difference in sensitivity of food allergies in dogs male or female. Both sexes are equally prone to it. There are some breeds that seem more likely to have a food allergy. But are not limited to: Terriers, Dalmatians, Collies,Labradors, dachshunds and boxers.

Dog Skin Allergies

Most of the time the rash is associated with food allergies, localized areas in the feet or ears, but can occur in other parts of the dog. Another interesting fact about food allergies that can cause the dog more sensitive to other types of allergies, as flea allergy, and parasitic diseases. What can be done to food allergies? Remove the cause must be determinedOf course.

Dog Skin Allergies

The most commonly used to determine the protein is problematic, as the "elimination diet". In this system, a type of protein and starch is added at a time. Some commercial dog food to make special meals for these plans. You must help your veterinarian about the elimination diet. Basically, the various proteins and starches turned every few weeks to determine the strength or exact protein that the dog is allergic.

The most common things dogs are allergic to beef, corn, milk, eggs, wheat and soybeans. Normally there is one thing, a dog is allergic. Once the source of allergy the dog is found, bought food, which can contain the element. Be aware that during the elimination diet, the dog is not able to manage all their nutrients and their skin dry and rough feeling of being.

Flea allergy

Chips> Allergy is another type of allergy in dogs. Allergy is caused by flea saliva and complete elimination of fleas must be done to stop the itching. A single bite of a chip, which causes the allergic reaction. Often you will not see fleas on your dog, but zero.

This may be because the few chips that were already scraping the dog. And fleas can in small quantities throughout the year to survive in warmClimate or indoors. Once again, the only way to eliminate the flea allergy in dogs is to eliminate fleas. In fact, there is a flea allergy is so common in dogs, chips should be removed before it determines whether the allergy dog food due to chemicals and other environmental allergens.


Eczema is a simple skin allergy in dogs caused by things like pollen,Smoke, grass, mold and dust mites. Yes, dogs and humans allergic reactions to many of the same things. And just like humans in some allergens may be looking at the skin with potential allergens, dog allergies, to determine these things were designed the same way. The skin of a dog is struck with the different possible causes and then seeing the reactions. If the substance is determined, allergy shots may be givendesensitizing the dog to the substance.

Allergies in dogs by

In the case of atopic dermatitis, the dog can actually be cured of allergies. Most of the other allergies are not curable. In the case of food allergies and fleas, the dog must not only be maintained in contact with the allergen.

Allergies in dogs - symptoms and treatment

Dog Skin Allergies

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