Monday, July 11, 2011

Skin allergies in dogs - what and what you can do to help your dog?

Dog Skin Allergies

Many dogs are prone to skin allergies and there are a number of breeds that are particularly vulnerable. Allergy skin can have a major impact on the life of a dog and even the lives of their owners. In this article you will find an explanation of why so many dogs suffer from allergic skin reactions and what to do at home for your dog's skin to ease itching and inflammation.

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergiesDogs show symptoms such as agitation, constant scratching, sleep disturbance, pain and sorrow. They are often triggered by allergens. These tiny particles come from household dust, mold, pollen and seeds. They are usually suspended in the air around us and be inhaled, sooner or later.

Dog Skin Allergies

In humans this is usually triggered respiratory reactions such as runny nose, runny eyes, sneezing and coughing and asthma attacks. InThe dogs, however, the inhaled particles cause an allergic skin rash and itching.

Dog Skin Allergies

The reason why dogs react differently to allergens to do what man has to do with the concentration of mast cells produce histamine in the body tissues.

People have a high concentration of membranes of mast cells in the respiratory tract and tissues, and is the allergic reaction in the airways and lungs.

In dogs, these are very specialized cellsconcentrated in different layers of the skin and an allergic reaction that causes tissue swelling, redness and itching. In addition, secondary bacterial infections occur when the poor dog begins to scratch, but self-inflicted skin lesions.

In many cases, the canines seem allergic skin problems caused by allergens in allergic symptoms to show more in front of his body, such as the face, neck, chest and Feet.

Dog allergic reaction, you can often see their faces, scratching and rubbing, scratching his head, neck and shoulders and licking their paws.

How you can help soothe itchy skin of your dog

Bathe or spray your dog with cool water for about 15 minutes a day for three or four days will generally help reduce inflammation and itching of the dog. However, ifSymptoms of allergy> persist, the veterinarian should take help.

Oat milk has soothing properties and can be used if you love your dog and be in a bath of cold water. There are also special shampoos for pets that contain oat extract and other soothing ingredients. You must usually available from your veterinary practice.

Dogs suffering from clinical symptoms of skin allergies should not receive regular medical baths with shampoo soothes two tothree times a week. The goal is to wash the dirt and avoid being trapped particles allergen of his fur, and their absorption through the cycle of skin allergies all over again.

Most allergic dogs licking paws almost obsessive harm than good for the skin of the feet and opens the door for other bacterial or fungal infections.

Regular foot baths in solutions of oat milk and oat bran can help relieve the itching andFinally, stop the excessive licking. You must do this often enough, about three to four times a week, especially after a walk on the grass, in water or on the beach.

Your veterinarian can prescribe products containing essential fatty acids, usually in liquid or encapsulated as a supplement to your dog's regular food. Essential fatty acids are important for healthy skin and coat.

Skin allergies in dogs - what and what you can do to help your dog?

Dog Skin Allergies

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