Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dog skin problems - irritation and itching and scratching dog Hot Spot

Dog Skin Allergies

There are many different opinions on the causes of dog skin problems: itching, scratching and chewing, often referred to as "hot spots". These dogs eruptions are largely self-inflicted and generally called "hot spots" because they are often associated with heat. "Hot spots" are often diagnosed as eczema, pyoderma, seborrhea, flea allergies, allergies to food, grass, mold or other allergens, alopecia, pemphigus; Acral lick dermatitis, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, staph, yeast infections and stress.

Dog Skin Allergies

It does not seem to be any skin problems at a consensus on the cause of these dogs, but they have a number of symptoms. It seems that dogs suffer from "hot spots" of itching so severe that dogs chew and scratch and develop their own trauma. This process results in open wounds, infections, hair loss and sometimes rawLeather> (elephant skin). These symptoms seem to be more common in warm, moist and sweet as the Sun Belt in the United States, although cases are as far north as Newfoundland and Alaska have been reported. "Hot Spot" conditions are global and affect millions of dogs. Statistically, no breed of dog more or less likely to develop this problem and the hybrids are just as likely to develop a "Hot Spot" show dog was bred. Agedoes not seem to be important that puppies can develop skin problems a couple of months. geriatric dogs may suddenly show signs of this condition if they had problems in his life.

Dog Skin Allergies

Because of different opinions on the cause of this problem there are many different treatments prescribed by the municipal veterinarian. The first choice of treatment is to relieve short-term usually prednisone or perhaps an antihistamine, in an attempt toThe itching and inflammation. The use of steroids is a serious treatment and can cause adverse side effects. The order of treatment is usually antibiotics or others to fight infections because of the dog's skin to the point where you have an open wound is irritated. These treatments are only designed to treat the symptoms not the cause of the itching. Treatments such as special diets, allergy tests and home remedies such as shampoo, coal tarall basically a shotgun approach, hoping that something works. At this stage there is no statistical evidence that none of these treatments actually work.

Dog Skin Allergies

More than 25 years, Cornell University Veterinary School in New York, a study of the dog's skin problems and found that the results of a treatment is not used in their tests were inconclusive. In fact, once again, about 30% of dogs with this problem with no treatment.

These 30%Recovery rates with or without treatment led to an important sector, questionable treatments for this disease produces painful skin of dogs. They are not statistical or scientific research methods and in accordance with the "products" with little or no evidence, scientific allegations.

Recent research has argued with some treatments with new scientific evidence and actual statistics for the effectiveness of these therapies are a new hopeabout 100 million or more dogs in the world who suffer from this painful disease of the skin.
This research is readily available on the Internet.

Dog skin problems - irritation and itching and scratching dog Hot Spot

Dog Skin Allergies

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