Dog Skin Allergies
Most dog owners are familiar with hot spots but not all realize the irritated patch just above the base of their pet's tail is due to canine allergies. Fleas love to gather in that location and as they bite the dog chews at the base of his tail.
Dog Skin Allergies
He chews because he can't reach that area with a paw for a good scratch. The incessant chewing further inflames the skin and the result is a round area of irritation that is often furless and may appear swollen and feel hot to the touch.
Dog Skin Allergies
Dogs with flea allergy dermatitis frequently suffer from hot spots. Even a few fleas on a dog with allergies to the pest can lead to a severe skin reaction. The allergy is to the saliva deposited on the animal by the flea as the pest bites and draws blood. The discomfort is not from the saliva itself but form the dog's immune system which is overreacting to the allergen.
Dog Skin Allergies
In people, bites by mosquitoes and biting gnats leave bumps that itch to distraction for a few minute at least. For a dog with flea allergies, the itch is constant as the fleas continue to crawl over his skin and bite again and again. Canine allergies may be reaction to ingredients in food, to seasonal pollen and grasses, to cleaning products and even to certain materials or plastics.
Atopic dermatitis is the term used to describe the reaction when a sensitive dog inhales or comes into contact with an allergen such as dust mites, seasonal pollens or mold. The main symptom is itching and dogs will rub faces against furniture, rub against fences and chew at their skin. The attempt to relieve the itch causes the skin to become more inflamed. Dry, flaky patches of skin may appear and hot spots may form and become hairless lesions.
Atopica has shown to be highly effective in three-fourths of the dogs treated with this pet medicine. Given daily, side effects of Atopica are minor digestive problems that are short term for most dogs. The one drawback to Atopica for pet owners may be the cost. With a prescription from your vet you can obtain Atopica at discount pet med sites online for a considerable cost savings.
Triamcinolone is a corticosteroid pet med that is usually reserved for treatment of serious skin disease that has not responded to other treatments. There is the possibility of side effects when using corticosteroids that must be balanced with consideration of quality of life for an animal with severe skin problems.
Dexamethasone is a potent synthetic glucocorticoid steroid drug that acts as an anti-inflammatory and suppresses the immune system. This is the pet medicine your vet will administer should your dog suffer from an allergic reaction causing anaphylactic shock or trauma to the spinal cord. Dexamethasone is often prescribed for a variety of eye and skin problems in canines. Side effects are common with long term use and vets often prescribe dosages given every other day to minimize the risk.
Temeril-P is a safe pet med used to address the problem if itching without regard to what allergen is the cause. Termeril-P is also used to treat "kennel cough" which is a form of bronchitis in dogs. If the cause of your dog's itching skin is a mystery, Termeril-P may well be what your vet prescribes as it relieves canine allergies caused by internal and external triggers. Temeril-P is available by prescription only but can be purchased from discount pet med sites online.
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