Dog Skin Allergies
There are thousands of people who suffer from allergies to dogs. It can be heartbreaking for people who want a dog, but the fear that can not suffer because their negative reactions. Fortunately, there are options available.
Dog Skin Allergies
Allergies to dogs are charged to the skin (dead skin which is removed continuously) and in rare cases, saliva, urine dog.
Dog Skin Allergies
Those symptoms most commonly experienced swelling and / or aqueousEyes, runny nose, sneezing excessive, flu-like symptoms, red or itchy rash and symptoms of asthma. Just as people love these symptoms of property? Simply be an "allergy-friendly dog" or "hypoallergenic dog." These races, which does not suffer from allergies so much influence on the type of hair and a small amount of hair, tend to be paid.
Dog Skin Allergies
You can choose between these breeds for allergy sufferers:
American Hairless Terrier
Poodle (all sizes)
Irish Water Spaniel
Portuguese Water Dog
Chinese Crested
Schnauzer (all sizes)
Kerry Blue Terrier
Regardless of what breed of dog should own, regular baths and nurses to help relieve some allergy symptoms. Once you have decided on the breed of dog you ask the breeder if you can spend time with the puppy beforehome. This will help determine the allergic reaction.
If you can do for your heart to a dog, but there is a slight allergic reaction to a dog suffering you want your doctor to discuss a series of treatments, allergy desensitization.
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