Sunday, July 31, 2011

Do you suffer from allergies to dogs?

Dog Skin Allergies

There are thousands of people who suffer from allergies to dogs. It can be heartbreaking for people who want a dog, but the fear that can not suffer because their negative reactions. Fortunately, there are options available.

Dog Skin Allergies

Allergies to dogs are charged to the skin (dead skin which is removed continuously) and in rare cases, saliva, urine dog.

Dog Skin Allergies

Those symptoms most commonly experienced swelling and / or aqueousEyes, runny nose, sneezing excessive, flu-like symptoms, red or itchy rash and symptoms of asthma. Just as people love these symptoms of property? Simply be an "allergy-friendly dog" or "hypoallergenic dog." These races, which does not suffer from allergies so much influence on the type of hair and a small amount of hair, tend to be paid.

Dog Skin Allergies

You can choose between these breeds for allergy sufferers:

American Hairless Terrier
Poodle (all sizes)
Irish Water Spaniel
Portuguese Water Dog
Chinese Crested
Schnauzer (all sizes)
Kerry Blue Terrier

Regardless of what breed of dog should own, regular baths and nurses to help relieve some allergy symptoms. Once you have decided on the breed of dog you ask the breeder if you can spend time with the puppy beforehome. This will help determine the allergic reaction.

If you can do for your heart to a dog, but there is a slight allergic reaction to a dog suffering you want your doctor to discuss a series of treatments, allergy desensitization.

Do you suffer from allergies to dogs?

Dog Skin Allergies

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Truth About Canine Hives

Dog Skin Allergies

Canine hives are allergic reactions caused by substances through the skin of your dog, inhaled or absorbed through the nose. These reactions may occur anywhere on the body of your dog. The hives are circular and raised, and can cause your dog's hair raised spots. Usually disappear by themselves within 24 hours.

Dog Skin Allergies


Dog Skin Allergies

Dogs can have different causes hives. Some of the most common includeSensitivity to insect stings, medications, vaccinations, or chemicals. Finally, the dog has eaten something that cause an allergic reaction.

Dog Skin Allergies


As mentioned earlier, canine hives disappear within 24 hours. However, you can drag your dog to itch too. This can be treated with antihistamines or oral steroids. Topical medications can also be used to treat itching caused by hives dog.

Some dogs with canine hives beginDifficulty breathing through the trigger allergic reactions. If this happens, then the veterinarian will help to administer adrenaline for your dog to breathe properly. If your dog is scratching the affected areas too, may develop a secondary infection of the skin. In this case, the dog must be topical antibiotics or oral.


Canine Hives can be caused by certain vaccines. To avoid another episode, you shouldMake sure that the dog story is an act of an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Canine Hives can be caused by ingestion of certain foods to your dog. If your brand dog food and turn your dog develops hives, you should return to the old kitchen.

The Truth About Canine Hives

Dog Skin Allergies

Friday, July 29, 2011

My dog ​​has dry skin

Dog Skin Allergies

The care of a pet involves more than playing with him and make sure it looks good. Finally, the family and need lots of love, care and attention as a child. If we make a dog house, we do so with the knowledge and understanding that business has a responsibility and must meet. The animal trusts you, take care of all their needs and take in return be rewarded with the utmost dedication and loyalty. While owning a pet is agreat joy can not deny that there are challenges and sometimes, if the animal owner is sick of going through a lot emotionally and in terms of dog care. One of the most common complaints that veterinarians the opportunity to hear from customer is my dog has dry skin. Even if a dog can not infect the skin looks like a big deal, it is true that it is terribly painful conditions and the dog must undergo many sufferings and Affected. Therefore, it is important to understand why dogs suffer from skin disorders such as rashes, itching dog, scaly skin and other related problems. The treatment of these problems and is now of paramount importance because it is increasing over time and can cause your dog is suffering from hair loss, other serious infections, including acute and chronic diseases such as skin cancer. Some of the causes ofIrritation of the skin "and itching in dogs are

Dog Skin Allergies

Allergies: food allergies and a skin condition that causes dermatitis are the most common causes of itching and dry skin in dogs is considered a dermatitis, a sudden appearance in most of the canines and leads to severe reactions to materials, finishes and materials. May have the tolerance of the animals must be done in the past. Dermatitis is usually activated when the dogcomes into contact with a substance that causes their skin to become inflamed or raw. An advanced cases of allergies can dry and scaly skin as well. Dog shampoos, perfumes, detergents, cleaners and chemicals commonly used in the home can trigger allergies. Food allergies are usually caused when the dog does not digest properly, or on an individual, if you encounter a combination of food ingredientsor drugs. The fungal and bacterial infections cause mild skin of the dog becomes scaly, itchy and dry. Red rash, oozing sores and open wounds are usually a byproduct of bacterial and fungal skin infections in dogs. Other diseases such as ringworm are also a form of this infection. The danger is that these conditions can the animal to other animals in and around the home and family members to pass. ImmunityDefects: These defects are more severe and require specialized veterinary care. Intestinal parasites: Parasites are often able to be treated with digestive enzymes dog. Too much water for the action of water and exposed to a lot of time the water limited natural ability to protect the dog's skin produces oils of the skin. Thyroid: thyroid conditions can be treated by providing your dogwith enzymes.

Dog Skin Allergies

For the purposes of the question, my dog has dry skin will go a long way toward healing and prevention of diseases of the skin of your pet. We hope this article about the problems of itching dogs itching dogs as informative and gives an overview of improving the health of your pet!

Dog Skin Allergies

My dog ​​has dry skin

Dog Skin Allergies

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dog Allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Dogs, like humans, are capable of an allergic reaction to a variety of things. The difference between humans and dogs is that while we express our allergic reactions like hives and congestion head, dogs react with skin problems. Skin problems are expressed by an allergic reaction may include lack of consistency and the length of the hair, itching and chewing, hot spots, and self-mutilation. In addition, allergiesthe cause of chronic infection of a dog's ear.

Dog Skin Allergies

Dog allergies are not so easy for people to diagnose allergies. In general, it is not an allergy specialist to visit for a dog. Also, if an allergy specialist is available, the problems the dog may have the result of his thyroid disease. This disease is often the culprit of poor skin health.
Again, just like humans, there is aVariety of allergens. Allergens can be inhaled, absorbed, or the result of an animal bites dog. The most common cause is the chip.

Dog Skin Allergies

Inhalation of allergens are typical allergens such as pollen, dust mites and molds. If you try, the cause of symptoms to diagnose your dog can be extremely useful to see if the dog is allergic reaction. Reactions may be seasonal or year. If the reaction is all year round, it is very likely causedfrom dust or mold, like these in the air all the time. If the reaction is seasonal, it is more likely that some pollen upset the dog. The symptoms of inhalation allergies are scratching, biting, chewing and constant licking their feet.

Dog Skin Allergies

Food allergies are actually food intolerance. This type of allergy is characterized by itching. If a dog is having a reaction to something to eat, he or she could have anal itching,Head nodding, ear infections, licking his front legs and rubs his face on the carpet. In rare cases, a dog vomiting, diarrhea, gas, sneezing, experience asthma-like symptoms, behavioral changes and seizures. Many owners do not suspect a food allergy, because their dog has eaten the same food for the entire life cycle. Just like humans, however, can develop sensitivity of dogs over time.

Flea allergies are on the dogallergic to a protein in the saliva of fleas. This type of allergy is more common in dogs that have limited exposure to fleas.

If you want to know more about dog allergies and other issues for dogs, please visit

Dog Allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fish oil for dogs and cats - Purrfect Damn!

Dog Skin Allergies

The fatty acids contained in fish oil are necessary for normal functioning of the various systems of the human, dog and cat. Our pets can suffer from some of the same state of health of human beings. It 'one thing to be a dog or cat food, allowing them to grow and survive. However, as with men, is another perfect balance to improve immune function, to find cognition, behavior and cancer prevention. A fish oil for our dogs and petsmany advantages.

Dog Skin Allergies

Dogs and cats need both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for optimal health. Studies find omega-3 fish oil may improve cognitive function in older dogs. The Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine found that dogs with heart failure have lower levels of EPA and DHA as their healthy counterparts. These are two of the major benefits of fish oil that our dogs and cats can be given.

Dog Skin Allergies

The Dogs given fish oil, which threatens toThromboembolism (obstruction of the pulmonary artery or one of its main branches) may be helped by platelet anticoagulant.

Dog Skin Allergies

Ventricular arrhythmias were (abnormally fast heart beat from the heart's lower chambers) and prevents high blood pressure in dogs supplemented with fish oil rich in omega-3 has been reduced.

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) may help reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis. Ulcerative colitisinflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and glomerular disease (kidney disease) may indicate the anti-inflammatory effect of certain fatty acids, which are also presented so far are renal protective response.

Omega-3 fish oil can benefit dogs by slowing the growth of Malassezia, a yeast infection of the skin and ears of dogs and cats. The researchers suggest that fish oil for dogs can prevent atopy (allergies to inhaled substancesas pollens and molds).

Fish oil for dogs and cats has been shown that the itching, redness, swelling and loss of hair dry, raw, hairless patches, reducing the care of our pets. In some animals, fatty acids alone can decrease pruritus or inflammation to an acceptable level.

The choice of a fatty acid supplement should address the specific problem or situation we are trying to treat are based. For dry skin, a dull coat, seborrhea and otherKeratinization linoleic acid should be added up. For allergies and inflammations, supplements high in EPA, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and GLA (gamma linolenic acid) are more effective.

Defects in fatty acids occur for many reasons including overcooking that destroys them. Improper storage, or less than optimal amounts of antioxidants in dry foods can cause rancidity and a subsequent lack of fatty acid. Deficiencies also cause the disease, whichsome enzyme functions are deficient, or the use of fats in energy-restricted diets in overweight dogs. fat, but it is necessary for the production of energy, and appetite of the dog.

Fats do not affect canines as we do when it comes to cholesterol or heart disease. Fat is necessary and important for a good dog food for energy, skin and coat, kidney health, heart and keep infections at bay in the joints.

If we want to buy and do the best forour pets, the best source of Omega-3 is that what we want to know. The research attempts to load the optimal ratio of omega-6 to determine the omega-3. Current recommendations for ratios of 10.01 a 05.01 clock. The reports are a guide, the important EPA and DHA omega-3 essential fatty acids are plentiful in salmon oil. There is no place natural salmon. Cod liver oil is very different because there is less omega-3 rich in vitamins A and D. Unlike the plant omega-3Supplements, salmon fish oil readily converted by the dog's digestive system.

A daily supplement of fish oil in salmon is a must for every dog or cat at any age with skin or hair problems caused by allergies. Take fish oil, a dog or a cat, increases with antioxidants and traces of vitamins that occur naturally in salmon. The current concentration of EPA omega-3 is the most important thing. It is recommended that therapeutic trials with supplements shouldlast 9-12 weeks.

Some animals may develop diarrhea from fatty acid supplements. Supplementation often starts with a low dose and gradually work up to the therapeutic dose alleviates the problem.

Fish oil for dogs and cats - Purrfect Damn!

Dog Skin Allergies

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Food allergy cough

Dog Skin Allergies

Food allergies are more common than many of us realize. Usually this is because most people do not consult a doctor if you notice. Instead, they simply do not eat this food. People who have severe reactions usually feels the percentage in the tests. It 'important to understand what causes food allergies, and, of course, the symptoms that may occur. One of the symptoms, which is relatively mild compared to some of the foodsAllergy cough. It will happen for a variety of reasons.

Dog Skin Allergies

First you must understand that the immune system to fight the food he ate. In other words, the creation of an internal war that caused external symptoms. You will find that the immune system, there are some proteins and antibodies that recognize the find. In fact, if you like food allergies, a cold, it turns out that the immune system into thinking the same for the two plants. In any case, theImmune system to fight a foreign agent that seeks to eliminate. This means that you have external symptoms such as hives, itching, breathing problems, coughing and swelling, depending on the severity of food allergy is. The cough occurs because the system in the fight against food, and what your neighbor throat. You may have a short or long ineffective cough cough that lasts for days after you feel like eating a certain type of food.

Dog Skin Allergies

You can also useclosed on the base of the neck, facing a serious problem. With anaphylactic shock, you will see that the patient's breathing to stop because of the narrowing of the airways prone. Usually the first sign of anaphylactic shock, have a cough choking or food allergies. The patient begins to cough, and every few minutes, I feel the need to cough. Since the progress of food allergy patients begin to feel the breath more and more until the endReduce. As the first signs of food allergies cough, it is important to get the person to a medical facility. There may be some ways to cure coughs, the adrenaline is just one of the drugs that relax the neck and reduce the risk of anaphylactic shock.

Dog Skin Allergies

Food allergy cough

Dog Skin Allergies

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dog skin allergies - How to help your dog

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs are one of the most common allergy in dogs. Many dogs have this allergy, if they were born or develop them for various reasons, later in life.

Dog Skin Allergies

As the owner of a dog, it is important to know if your dog has an allergic skin reaction and to find solutions for them.

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs may be temporary and easily, or long-lasting or even permanent.

Dog Skin Allergies

Then It 'important to the specific type of allergy your dog's skin has been found and plan a way to cure it is based on him.

There are generally three types of skin allergies ...

Type 1 allergy: immune-mediated skin allergies

If there is a problem in your dog's immune system, this allergy is a strong possibility.

For this reason, your dog may have to adjust > Infections of the skin - and more often than normal, because every day accidents.

Then came the moment which is always suspect that maybe something with the way it works on your dog's body, was launched.

Allergy type 2 canine atopic dermatitis
This type of allergy is a chronic skin allergies. You can see in your dog, usually about 10 months to 2 years.

If your dog has this> Allergies, we can say that is very itchy, especially around the eyes. His feet can be very irritating.

Type of allergy # 3: Infectious diseases of the skin
Dogs with this type of skin allergy, which usually cause hair loss in some parts of his body - especially the legs.

Infectious skin diseases in dogs are not infectious and contagious diseases or infections. Parasitic infections are contagious,Bacteria, fungi, viruses and diseases of the skin.

As you can see, this type of skin allergies your dog is the most difficult and most dangerous of all. So if you see the signs, you are strongly advised to see the vet as soon as possible.

Note: Another common type of allergy in dogs is food allergies, so if you see some of the symptoms in your dog you that this could be a food allergy skin allergies?

You can read more about the signs of dog food allergy and compared to find out what your dog is actually allergic.

Dog skin allergies - How to help your dog

Dog Skin Allergies

Immediate action to relieve skin allergies for dogs

Dog Skin Allergies

Dog Allergy skin care needs. Even if you want to get the dog to the vet, you can immediately dive into the soothing comfort of irritating, probably placed on the skin of the dog a. Filter beautiful through the skin and is based on the skin, aggravating the situation.

Dog Skin Allergies

A cool bath with Epson salts is one of the best things you can do. It 'important to make sure the temperature is cool, not hot. Theirlack of fresh water. Use a bit 'of water and soap and detergents to clean the oil on the skin. Do you want to wash the oily residue of the irritant. Shampoo will not do it, you need to rinse. You can then soapy water with a shampoo doctor if you have it. If your dog begins to notice his skin is cool to the soothing sensation, you may have problems in the bathtub!

Dog Skin Allergies

There are other things you can do to relieve the symptoms.

Dog Skin Allergies

Ifhave significant discomfort, apply an antihistamine or hydrocortisone cream or spray on irritated skin.

Of course, if you think you must know the source of irritation, such as a plant food or substance, then take the dog to irritate.

Some types of dog skin allergies may cause skin dryness and flaking lead. If this is the case, then a supplement can help. Trade in food supplementsthe skin are many pet stores. Or you can of olive oil. Dip a piece of bread and bread for the dog. Or add a few tablespoons of olive oil for a meal of dog.


If the dog's skin allergy appears to be a severe reaction, you take the dog to a veterinarian immediately. An emergency is when the dog has difficulty breathing, swelling or obvious facial or mouth, orvomiting or salivation, panting, or fails or has lost consciousness. It 'a real emergency as quickly and move the dog to a veterinarian immediately.

These dangerous symptoms means they have an acute life-threatening situation. This is usually caused by a vaccine, drug or insect bite. I hope to act quickly, your dog a full recovery.

I hope this guide to first aid for skin allergies dog wasuseful.

Immediate action to relieve skin allergies for dogs

Dog Skin Allergies

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dog skin problems and allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Please note that the problems of your dog's skin

Dog Skin Allergies

It hides beneath their beautiful fur coats that a world of skin diseases often uncomfortable and even painful. Problems of the dog's skin can be a sign of a more serious and even fatal.

Dog Skin Allergies

Some of the most common dog skin include dry skin, usually indicated by the appearance of "dandruff" or excessive shedding, various fungusInfections, skin mites, scabies and skin rashes that may be the result of a seasonal allergy, environmental and food. Other problems of the dog's skin, tumors, seborrhea skin diseases, melanomas and infected wounds.

Dog Skin Allergies

The fact is that many of these conditions completely treatable and often preventable. The determination of the cause and avoid unnecessary skin problems of the dog is a responsibility that comes with the role of owning a dog.But, like an animal loving caretaker, appropriate care and treatment is an animal required by law.

Dog food allergies, seasonal

Some of the most preventable dog skin allergies are caused by the dog. Dog allergies may be due to seasonal conditions, environmental factors or symptoms of food allergy. Many dog owners are
surprised to learn that food allergies are notalways a new food or food. A dog can not tolerate the food we eat for years to develop.

It is not an unusual event for the development of a dog, a food allergy if their immune system may be compromised. Adding a digestive enzyme in the daily diet of a dog with a premium all natural diet is often all that is needed to treat the skin. Dog food allergies are often intolerant of artificial additives Conservatives.

Dog allergies seasonal allergies may also parasites. Fleas are also quite uncomfortable for a dog, but some dogs are particularly sensitive to flea bites. Although, fleas may at any time of this
Year is hot and dry summer when they are at their worst. Other possible irritants seasonal allergies are pollen and dust mites in the spring. Rural Dogs are at risk of developing other seasonal > Allergy, parasites, where product control, or whether other chemicals are used around the farm or surrounding properties.

If your dog is uncomfortable and too much chewing and biting his legs or back scratched, injured, or shows no signs or symptoms at all a troublesome skin condition, seek the advice of a
Veterinarian immediately.

Prevention is better than cure, and the best premium all natural diet is the first weapon against dogs> The dog's skin problems and allergies. Dog owners should regularly check their dog's skin and feel for lumps, bumps or other skin diseases.

Dog skin problems and allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to treat skin allergies in dogs

Dog Skin Allergies

Allergies common in humans than ever, are the allergies in our pets. Current estimates are that one of the seven dogs with some form of allergy symptoms. These symptoms often occur in the skin of the dog so that the dryness and itching that can lead to poor animal to the end. As with any allergy, the best way to treat skin allergies in dogs to determine the cause and ensure that the animal does not come into contact with it. However, this is easier said than done.

Dog Skin Allergies

Types of allergies in dogs found

Dog Skin Allergies

In general, dogs can be divided into four categories of allergies.

Dog Skin Allergies

Flea allergy (caused by parasites) Canine atopy (caused by the inhalation of allergens - a form of hay fever dog) Food Allergies Contact allergies (caused by man-made substances and irritantsDogs> can contact) All these allergies may develop hives in dogs that are uncomfortable and itchy for a dog of incredible results. Subsequently, the constant scratching and biting at the nodes and legions of skin lesions, which can quickly become infected and carry the result in serious health problems. So if you're scratching your dog how much I'm not worried, it's a good idea, animal, seek medical adviceas soon as possible.

Other symptoms of dog allergies

The owners of consciousness should be looking for other signs of allergies, even biting the legs and feet, redness and scaly skin on the abdomen. Other symptoms may not be as obvious as they often are not confined to the skin. For example, dog allergies in ear infections caused by a yeast infection, result. Of course, all theseIf it is not correct to treat the infection or a symptom of the problem forever. Instead, you must find the cause of the allergic reaction and remove.

How to identify the cause

As already said, this is easier said than done, and owners should consult a veterinarian, of course, if a dog of great discomfort. However, it can help monitor the behavior of your dog and notice any changes. For example, he or she has been itching and irritableafter a meal or after a cleaning product was used in the dwelling? This can help identify the exact cause, but should help reduce the chances.

If you think your dog's allergies can be caused by contact allergens, try using natural cleaning at home and always make sure to use a hypoallergenic dog shampoo when bathing your pet.

Food allergies can be very difficult to identify because the symptoms can not be present immediately and can last for hours or days after the meal was consumed. Therefore, the solution of a food allergy means to try different solutions before a meal that find no effect on your dog.

How to treat dog skin allergies

There are a number of medications and natural methods that are used for a dog can relieve the symptoms. A veterinarian will be able to recommend treatments such as allergy shots used (if the individual Allergy "), antihistamines and corticosteroids identified.

On the other hand, natural approaches, you can try are:

An increase in omega-3- Epsom salt Hypoallergenic Shampoo A cold bath of colloidal oatmeal If you think your pet has an allergy, you should seek the help of a veterinarian as soon as possible because if left untreated, allergies to cause more serious health problems for you> Dog.

How to treat skin allergies in dogs

Dog Skin Allergies

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dogs and skin allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Even if the dogs had skin problems associated with allergies, it is only recently that science has succeeded in some of these allergies can clearly identify you thought only humans were infected.

Dog Skin Allergies

One of the most surprising discoveries is urticaria allergies, allergy to sunlight. Antibodies against different proteins in the allergic dog's body, the change produced by sunlightproduce an allergic reaction occur. Sometimes the condition disappears after exposure to the sun ceases. This disappearance is rare in dogs, because they spend much of their time outdoors. Breed dogs with white coats are especially vulnerable, but not only. This condition is of all colors and breeds of dogs were found. The rash is most often seen in areas on the face and nose, but can occur anywhere on the body. Even if untreated, can cause scarringfrom the infection caused by scratching and peeling of the skin.

Dog Skin Allergies

Often misdiagnosed, this malady is not easy to treat due to the symptoms presented. Fever, pain, and infection exacerbated by excessive scratching must be treated separately. Sunscreen applied daily to the affected area usually halts the progression of the condition. Temporary relief is found in using an oat-meal based shampoo to relieve the itching sensations caused. Oft times the condition is misdiagnosed as an Autoimmune disease that require the use of steroids. Although there are no studies on the long-term use of niacinamide undeserved, a drug commonly prescribed for dogs with skin disease autoimmune disease, it is documented that is stored in the liver and spleen. Although Niacinimide is not a steroid, it is important to have in the formation of steroid hormones, side effects such as diarrhea, increased incidence of infections and liverProblems.

Dog Skin Allergies

Home remedies, such as suntan lotion, antihistamines, shampoos, soothing and keep the dog from the sun could be a temporary exemption from hand to skin diseases, but the source of skin allergies, you need to find a veterinary examination. Answers to questions like, because my dog licking his feet for hours? He is allergic to grass? There's something in his diet? And 'something genetic? We are able to meet theThe resources available to your dog's health provider. Before you respond promptly to your questions about your pet's allergies, the more your dog will be on the mend.

Dogs and skin allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What causes a dog's skin allergy?

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs can be many different causes, but there are some major allergies should be aware. The three main causes of skin allergies in dogs are fleas, food and environmental allergens.

Dog Skin Allergies

Fleas are the leading cause of skin allergies in dogs. Even if the dogs are not allergic to fleas directly, are allergic to flea saliva that leave the ' behind when they bite the dog. So, in this case, you see small red bumps that itch a lot for the dog.

Dog Skin Allergies

When it comes to food allergies can not only see skin irritation, but you also get other clinical symptoms and diarrhea. Many dogs can eat the same food for years and then suddenly allergic to them. Some veterinarians believe that it could be linked to genetics, but we do not know for sure yet.

Dog Skin Allergies

The third leading cause ofSkin allergies> atopy in dogs. It 'just an allergy to pollen, mold and dust. These are the same type of allergies that a lot of people who are sometimes referred to as seasonal allergies.

If you think your dog may have allergic symptoms, it is important that you be examined by a veterinarian immediately. Most allergies get worse over time, so as soon as you raise your dogThe symptoms, the greater the chance that you have to control it.

Thanks to advances in medicine today, there are many foods on prescription drugs and allergy shots, which are given dogs to relieve their symptoms.

What causes a dog's skin allergy?

Dog Skin Allergies

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dog skin problems - irritation and itching and scratching dog Hot Spot

Dog Skin Allergies

There are many different opinions on the causes of dog skin problems: itching, scratching and chewing, often referred to as "hot spots". These dogs eruptions are largely self-inflicted and generally called "hot spots" because they are often associated with heat. "Hot spots" are often diagnosed as eczema, pyoderma, seborrhea, flea allergies, allergies to food, grass, mold or other allergens, alopecia, pemphigus; Acral lick dermatitis, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, staph, yeast infections and stress.

Dog Skin Allergies

It does not seem to be any skin problems at a consensus on the cause of these dogs, but they have a number of symptoms. It seems that dogs suffer from "hot spots" of itching so severe that dogs chew and scratch and develop their own trauma. This process results in open wounds, infections, hair loss and sometimes rawLeather> (elephant skin). These symptoms seem to be more common in warm, moist and sweet as the Sun Belt in the United States, although cases are as far north as Newfoundland and Alaska have been reported. "Hot Spot" conditions are global and affect millions of dogs. Statistically, no breed of dog more or less likely to develop this problem and the hybrids are just as likely to develop a "Hot Spot" show dog was bred. Agedoes not seem to be important that puppies can develop skin problems a couple of months. geriatric dogs may suddenly show signs of this condition if they had problems in his life.

Dog Skin Allergies

Because of different opinions on the cause of this problem there are many different treatments prescribed by the municipal veterinarian. The first choice of treatment is to relieve short-term usually prednisone or perhaps an antihistamine, in an attempt toThe itching and inflammation. The use of steroids is a serious treatment and can cause adverse side effects. The order of treatment is usually antibiotics or others to fight infections because of the dog's skin to the point where you have an open wound is irritated. These treatments are only designed to treat the symptoms not the cause of the itching. Treatments such as special diets, allergy tests and home remedies such as shampoo, coal tarall basically a shotgun approach, hoping that something works. At this stage there is no statistical evidence that none of these treatments actually work.

Dog Skin Allergies

More than 25 years, Cornell University Veterinary School in New York, a study of the dog's skin problems and found that the results of a treatment is not used in their tests were inconclusive. In fact, once again, about 30% of dogs with this problem with no treatment.

These 30%Recovery rates with or without treatment led to an important sector, questionable treatments for this disease produces painful skin of dogs. They are not statistical or scientific research methods and in accordance with the "products" with little or no evidence, scientific allegations.

Recent research has argued with some treatments with new scientific evidence and actual statistics for the effectiveness of these therapies are a new hopeabout 100 million or more dogs in the world who suffer from this painful disease of the skin.
This research is readily available on the Internet.

Dog skin problems - irritation and itching and scratching dog Hot Spot

Dog Skin Allergies

Monday, July 11, 2011

Skin allergies in dogs - what and what you can do to help your dog?

Dog Skin Allergies

Many dogs are prone to skin allergies and there are a number of breeds that are particularly vulnerable. Allergy skin can have a major impact on the life of a dog and even the lives of their owners. In this article you will find an explanation of why so many dogs suffer from allergic skin reactions and what to do at home for your dog's skin to ease itching and inflammation.

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergiesDogs show symptoms such as agitation, constant scratching, sleep disturbance, pain and sorrow. They are often triggered by allergens. These tiny particles come from household dust, mold, pollen and seeds. They are usually suspended in the air around us and be inhaled, sooner or later.

Dog Skin Allergies

In humans this is usually triggered respiratory reactions such as runny nose, runny eyes, sneezing and coughing and asthma attacks. InThe dogs, however, the inhaled particles cause an allergic skin rash and itching.

Dog Skin Allergies

The reason why dogs react differently to allergens to do what man has to do with the concentration of mast cells produce histamine in the body tissues.

People have a high concentration of membranes of mast cells in the respiratory tract and tissues, and is the allergic reaction in the airways and lungs.

In dogs, these are very specialized cellsconcentrated in different layers of the skin and an allergic reaction that causes tissue swelling, redness and itching. In addition, secondary bacterial infections occur when the poor dog begins to scratch, but self-inflicted skin lesions.

In many cases, the canines seem allergic skin problems caused by allergens in allergic symptoms to show more in front of his body, such as the face, neck, chest and Feet.

Dog allergic reaction, you can often see their faces, scratching and rubbing, scratching his head, neck and shoulders and licking their paws.

How you can help soothe itchy skin of your dog

Bathe or spray your dog with cool water for about 15 minutes a day for three or four days will generally help reduce inflammation and itching of the dog. However, ifSymptoms of allergy> persist, the veterinarian should take help.

Oat milk has soothing properties and can be used if you love your dog and be in a bath of cold water. There are also special shampoos for pets that contain oat extract and other soothing ingredients. You must usually available from your veterinary practice.

Dogs suffering from clinical symptoms of skin allergies should not receive regular medical baths with shampoo soothes two tothree times a week. The goal is to wash the dirt and avoid being trapped particles allergen of his fur, and their absorption through the cycle of skin allergies all over again.

Most allergic dogs licking paws almost obsessive harm than good for the skin of the feet and opens the door for other bacterial or fungal infections.

Regular foot baths in solutions of oat milk and oat bran can help relieve the itching andFinally, stop the excessive licking. You must do this often enough, about three to four times a week, especially after a walk on the grass, in water or on the beach.

Your veterinarian can prescribe products containing essential fatty acids, usually in liquid or encapsulated as a supplement to your dog's regular food. Essential fatty acids are important for healthy skin and coat.

Skin allergies in dogs - what and what you can do to help your dog?

Dog Skin Allergies